Tuesday, June 1, 2010
I'm sorry what did you say? i couldn't hear you over the Television, computer and whole kitchen sink in the palm of my hand...
[The above video has absolutely nothing to do with the below discussion]
Will the mobile phone screen become the dominant screen of the 21st century? Do we really need another screen to view movies, take photos, design art and access the Internet? How do the readings influence your answer to the question posed?
Mobile phones have taken over our lives… they’re like brainwashing aliens from another planet, or just from Apple...
First lets talk about how the mobile phone has taken over the world… and not just any mobile phone… iPhone. The most used device/screen in the universe!!! Just my observation, no actual data or facts can back that up… but let’s be honest, who doesn’t have an iPhone now? The iPhone does everything! Except for promote originality… just the other day I realized that when I was younger all the “cool kids” were the ones with a different phone from everyone else… nowadays everyone has the same phone, the iPhone, and if you don’t have an iPhone you are exiled from the community… or just coffee with the rest of your friends.
And it’s all thanks to the new ruler of the world… Apple… yes they rule the world! All they do now is release a new product and people kill each other over purchasing one… for example, the iPad… the big iPhone that doesn’t ring… I’d definitely kill someone over that! (Rolls Eyes)
But anyway!
The mobile phone has become so advanced, thanks to Apple, that you can do anything you want on it, from GPS Maps to ordering a pizza without actually talking on the phone… (as I was writing that I realized how stupid that sounds… “I’m gonna use my phone to order a pizza but im not going to call them… it just take a bit longer to use the app…” so I should probably delete that Domino’s app iv got.)
… You can do anything with them… so yes they’re going to take over the world!
Why buy a TV or a computer, or an iPad (sorry Apple), when you can do it all on your mobile phone? Not to mention good luck getting the kids to do their homework by confiscating their mobiles when they need them to do their assignment research…
***Please note this is not an advertisement for Apple***
That’s all for now…
You know you love me
"I told him that in yr 9 i used to read Neighbors fanfics about Nina and Jack Scully"

According to Bruns (2008) “There is an absence of producers, distributors, or consumers, and the presence of a seemingly endless string of users acting incrementally as content producers by gradually extending and improving the information present in the information commons, the value chain begins and ends (but only temporarily, ready for further development) with content.”
…ok so what I think he was trying to say is that there are not enough original creators , nowadays it is just people “creating” something based on, or somewhat relating to something that has already been created.
Take for example, the ridiculous amount of “remake” movies being created nowadays, EG: Nightmare on elm street, Friday the 13th, Halloween… and they’re just the three original horror series that have been remade in the past few years… yes I know that was a very loose example of produsage.
FAN FICTION would be a better example… got ya! You were scared that I wasn’t going to mention it, weren’t you?!
Fan fiction being stories and comics created by fans based on celebrities and characters from other created stories and publications.
For example, fans creating stories based on Star wars characters or Harry Potter… usually if it were a Harry Hotter one, it relates to a romance between Harry and Malfoy, so it’s not as commonly discussed in public…
Our good friend… lets call her GAGA, as they share the same name… mentioned the other day that when she was younger… I’m still not convinced that it was when she was younger or current… used to read fan fiction about the Australian soap opera, Neigbours… she explained that it was just fan’s writing their own stories about the show and placing the characters into their own story lines.
Even books based on television series, or movies, can be considered to be produsage. Hit television series are always followed by novels based on the series. The series writer does not write these novels or anyone who has anything to do with the series, however they become recognized as official novels for the series… yet another perfect example of produsage… I hope no one else thought of that!
Although sometimes produsage is interesting, or entertaining, isn’t it a little obsessive? It’s just like saying, “I’m completely and utterly obsessed with this series/film that I’m going to spend my teenage, and sometimes adult, life writing stories about these characters and call myself creative…”
Ok yes, its not THAT obsessive, but its still a little weird… but is it stealing? Technically these characters and stories they’re reusing would be copyrighted, so therefore these producers should need permission to create anything based on them… interesting…
That’s all for now…
You know you love me
Your [Cyber] love, your love, your love is my drug

Well… so now we’re talking about porn… interesting… go to www dot….
Yeah it’s that easy.
Porn would have to be the easiest to access, socially incorrect activity. All you have to do is type a few words on the Internet and happy cybersexing!
…Unless your stupid and you still go to the shops and buy the stuff.
So it has been discussed that pornography is an addiction, worse than crack. Iv gotta say I don’t agree with that… SURPRISE!
The way I see it, pornography can be addictive to those of small minds, however its not like there is a “come down” from “using” it, or you can’t function until you have your “fix”, like drugs. I think these “addicts” just like the company of sexy people who are exploiting themselves over the Internet.
Or that it makes them feel better about themselves as they have the opportunity to perve on sexy people who wouldn’t necessarily let them do it in real life, most likely because they are severely unattractive people with no social skills…
Ok so maybe I should stop laying into these people because, who knows, maybe I’ll be one of them in the future… lol (used in context, not because I’m severely mentally destroyed by pop culture and “txt talk”)
Lets move onto “Women and the web”. So I still don’t believe that it is an addiction, however I can see a women’s point of view as to why they may be “addicted” to cybersex and pornographic activity. Maybe its because I’m gay or maybe its because its common sense… I dunno but it just makes sense.
Women get involved in pornographic activity and cybersex as it makes them feel better about themselves… Let’s be honest, the constant approval from men about their sexuality and their naked bodies would feel good. Not to mention most of them get payed for it… imaging that as your day job!
However it also give’s these women the opportunity to be, somewhat, sexually active without the risks of unsafe or dangerous activity.
But still cant understand the porn is drugs argument… oh well what ever floats your boat… or your cyber boat… whatever that is?
That’s all for now…
You know you love me
Tuesday, May 4, 2010
Big Boobs, Blond Hair, and a size Zero waist... yeah thats a realistic perception of me!
Okay, so where to begin… SECOND LIFE… well I’m not gonna shit talk this Second Life GAME, due to that I just don’t know who I am going to offend. However when presented with Meadows’ (2008:51) argument, stating that the GAME is somewhat reality, I don’t quite know were to begin.
So ill start with the first statement “People in virtual worlds build things, use them, sell them, trade them and discuss them…”
Yes I agree with this point saying that these people playing this GAME do build things and sell things, however you can do the same thing in games like ‘Age of Empires’ and ‘The Sims’ yet no one’s claiming they are real. The only difference in this GAME is that your not so much playing against the computer, your playing against other people across the world, like ‘Halo’ on the Xbox… also not real.
“…When another person confirms what I am seeing, places value on it, spends time working to pay for it, buys it, keeps it, uses it, talks about it, gets emotional about it, and then sells it – this tells me there is something real happening.”
Once again, sound like the Sims to you??? That’s because that’s exactly what it is!
Although I will give the GAME makers credit for emotionally screwing with the players minds until they completely believe that the GAME is real. As apposed to ‘The Sims’ where the only thing that F’s with your head is when the GAME crashes and goes back to the desktop.
Yes players of this GAME can form an emotional attachment to this GAME however its not reality. That would be like an artist saying that the portrait they had been paining for 6 months was a real person because they had formed an emotional attachment to it, its still just a painting, masterpiece or not, the reality is it’s paint on canvas with a lot of blood sweat and tears poured into it. However there was most probably someone who was a real person that the painting is based on.
“…This tells me there is something real happening.”
Yes this is something real, a real emotional breakdown on the player’s behalf.
Or nicely put, a real emotional attachment to a character someone has created that they believe is the computer generated image of them self… majority of the time it looks nothing like them, might I add.
Have you ever seen a person fly through the air like a Death Eater from Harry Potter?
“…The suspension of disbelief has become a grounding of belief”
Belief! That’s the word! Much better put it, in that the GAME is exactly that, BELIEF, not reality. Players BELIEVE that the GAME is real, that doesn’t make it real, it just means that they are crazy… simple as that. They become so wound up in this little virtual world that their mind plays tricks on them completely effing up their sense or reality and beliefs.
That’s all for now…
You know you love me
Wednesday, April 14, 2010
X-treme Australia… Cough! Cough!

Extremists are basically defined as Hate groups… duh!
The Australian First Party, AKA “Australia First” or “The Party”, is a political group with a goal to basically remove foreign ownership in Australia.
Their idea is that Australia should be run and owned by only Australians, and foreign dealings should be at a minimum. This is just like saying, “we are more than happy to let people of other nationalities into our country, but they cant work or make a living.” Sounds fair and equal right?
Didn’t think so.
So “Australia First” wants Australia to be a free and equal country however they believe that ‘Australians’ should be treated better and should be placed high above those of foreign decent.
In a way I would agree that “Australia First” is an extremist group, being that they believe in unequal treatment, and may as well say that they hate “foreigners”. But the term extremist seems a little too extreme for them… in my opinion they are all a bunch of old blokes who cant deal with too much change and excitement without having a mild heart attack… so lets just say that The Australian First Party is probably more of a toddler when it comes to extremist groups… yeah, they’re still finding their feet… and their glasses, “should get one of those chain contraptions to hang around my neck so I don’t always lose the damn things!”
Yep, that pretty much answers the next question of, “Is this an example of an extremist group utilizing the Internet to spread messages and recruit new members?”
On this website there is more information provided as to what “Australia First” believes, and also all the information you need to become a member of this party, including rules and guidelines of who can actually become a member…
That’s all for now…
Tuesday, March 30, 2010
Just Because I Love You!

Good morning randoms, classmates and Teacher
Thats all for now...
you know you love me. xoxo
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