Well… so now we’re talking about porn… interesting… go to www dot….
Yeah it’s that easy.
Porn would have to be the easiest to access, socially incorrect activity. All you have to do is type a few words on the Internet and happy cybersexing!
…Unless your stupid and you still go to the shops and buy the stuff.
So it has been discussed that pornography is an addiction, worse than crack. Iv gotta say I don’t agree with that… SURPRISE!
The way I see it, pornography can be addictive to those of small minds, however its not like there is a “come down” from “using” it, or you can’t function until you have your “fix”, like drugs. I think these “addicts” just like the company of sexy people who are exploiting themselves over the Internet.
Or that it makes them feel better about themselves as they have the opportunity to perve on sexy people who wouldn’t necessarily let them do it in real life, most likely because they are severely unattractive people with no social skills…
Ok so maybe I should stop laying into these people because, who knows, maybe I’ll be one of them in the future… lol (used in context, not because I’m severely mentally destroyed by pop culture and “txt talk”)
Lets move onto “Women and the web”. So I still don’t believe that it is an addiction, however I can see a women’s point of view as to why they may be “addicted” to cybersex and pornographic activity. Maybe its because I’m gay or maybe its because its common sense… I dunno but it just makes sense.
Women get involved in pornographic activity and cybersex as it makes them feel better about themselves… Let’s be honest, the constant approval from men about their sexuality and their naked bodies would feel good. Not to mention most of them get payed for it… imaging that as your day job!
However it also give’s these women the opportunity to be, somewhat, sexually active without the risks of unsafe or dangerous activity.
But still cant understand the porn is drugs argument… oh well what ever floats your boat… or your cyber boat… whatever that is?
That’s all for now…
You know you love me
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